Teacher Training

Yoga is a never-ending journey when you remain open to the energies around you: when you listen: when you look and when you remain faithful to the roots. It can take many different forms and none is better or worse than another when these edicts are observed. Staying honest with yourself, eschewing ambition and never imposing your way on others is to me the best way forwards.
I believe that when teaching, one of the most important things is to always see the movement as a whole. One tends sometimes to focus and detail on one section or part of a movement more than another, because it is the aspect one either knows best, or struggles with the most! This approach is similar to a surgeon who knows his specialty area really well, but is not necessarily mindful that this one area has to be related and connected to the whole, for it to function most effectively.
The other important aspect is to remember and remind the student that an emphasis on relaxation, rather than more effort, usually has the greater effect.
This Teacher Training is based on my own evolution. It includes both acquired knowledge and observations gained during the past 25 - 30 years of teaching.
I do not believe in limiting anyone from learning more, so the workshops and retreats will be open to both aspiring teachers and those who just wish to gain a greater insight into their own developmental progress. This is of value to those who wish to become teachers as one can see how one can incorporate different levels within the same class. It also realistically shows where to draw the line, concerning how much information one can offer a person at any one time.
For those more advanced, the simpler approach can also offer time to gain a deeper insight into something one thought one already knew quite well. At no time, though, does the work regress to an unsatisfactory experience. The work will always take all the participants to another level.
These trainings will now be conducted on an individual basis.
A combination of both in person and via Zoom

Taking the retreats, and fulfilling the above requirements will not necessarily ensure the right to teach under the heading of “Yoga Narada®” as it is very important to me that the essence of the work is understood and conveyed correctly. I view the training as an old-fashioned slow apprenticeship. The final graduation comes as a demonstration of understanding and absorption of the material, and the ability to articulate it, as well as being able to structure a class at any level. The greater your participation, the greater your level of understanding.
No one owns Yoga, and we cannot force our beliefs on others. I do nevertheless, want to preserve a consistency in this particular form of Yoga. I encourage each individual to explore their own path in this process - making mistakes as we all do - bringing their own experiences and personality to the work, but always coming back to the spirit of the path chosen initially.
I look forward to welcoming anyone who is truly interested to embark on this journey, as long as they acknowledge what the process involves, and understand what I believe is the heart and soul of a teacher.
For more information on how to register for Teacher Trainings, please contact me at hilary@hilarycartwright.com.
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